With the Batemans Bay marina a potential unsafe zone we now appear to have a further danger area during the busy holiday period.
Floating unlit dredging pipe extending from the Bay bar area right across the water to the middle of the inner bay area. In fact from the bar to the isolated danger mark north of the sand bank. Why is this a danger.
The Minister for Transport for NSW stated in 31 January 2019 “The Maritime Infrastructure Plan notes the importance of maintaining accessible navigation channels in key investment locations, including the Batemans Bay (Clyde River) entrance channel,” said Mr Constance. More on keeping navigation channels open next week.
Mr Constance goes on to say “NSW Government will invest almost $450,000 into the Clyde River entrance bar for dredging in the coming months” The Association believes this is money from boaters licences and fees managed by the Maritime Infrastructure Delivery Office and not other Government funds.
The Ministers' response was motivated by a petition raised by the Marina based on questionable assertions and data. The manager stated “Our local member has listened, acted and will deliver a project that puts the safety of local and visiting boaters at the fore.”
Well Minister act now for the safety of the boating public and delay the dredging until after the holiday period or until the GHD study finds out that happens to the sand within the bay.
The Marine Notice S01948 Navigation Restriction - Entrance Bar to the Clyde River, Batemans Bay - Dredging operations. Will soon be out of date.
The Notice states: The dredging operations are to take place from Monday 7 October 2019 to Wednesday 20 November 2019. The notice states” Dredging operations will occur during daylight hours only, however the dredge and associated equipment may remain in position outside times of operation.” Yes at night.
Further “Vessels are required to maintain a safe distance and speed from the works” a fine of about $5,500 could apply if you contravene this. So when crossing this dangerous bar keep your speed down because you may impact these works rather that adjust your speed for the safety of the crew of a vessel crossing the bar. That is just good seamanship.
No work has started on dredging the bar.
So if it continues it will take place during the busy holiday period and be a danger to boat leaving hanging rock boat ramp and going to sea.
Furthermore, as the Association has stated previously it should be delayed until the GHD modelling and investigation is complete. (This consultancy is funded by Transport for NSW) The Association has for a long time held that introducing the sand back into the bay will have dangerous unintended consequences that could cause water inundation of the locals properties and even the CBD.
Minister responsible for these projects delay the dredging now not only for safety reason but wait until your consultancy has some answers. We are still waiting for answers from our Critical Analysis of flood damage caused by the new bridge.
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