Monday, 25 November 2019

Eurobodalla Shire Council Banned water use at Boat Ramps

The Shire has moved from level 1 to level 3 water restrictions which comes into effect this Monday – December 2.

What that means is that there will be:

  • No boat motor flushing at any of the Shires boat ramps
  • No rinsing of your fish catch and cleaning of the tables at boat ramps.  The taps have been turned off.

The Shire state that if you wish to flush out your motor it has to be done over a grass area.  If you wish to wash the salt off your vessel that has to be done with a bucket but only between 6 and 8 am and 6 and 8 pm.  A final rinse with a trigger nozzel hose.

If you wish to clean the seagull encrusted fish cleaning tables that has to be done with a bucket using sea water.  Do not let it run back into the sea because that would be pollution under the Act.

Now we all want to save water and this is just one step in the right direction. Support this effort and make suggestion on how other measures may be implemented.

Will you be able to take a shower after playing a sport at the venue?

What about taking a shower after a swim at one of the Shire's pools?

What happens in the local marina? Do they again have an exemption?

How can the Shire help the fisho’s?  

Install seawater pumps and connect them to the existing piping so that people you can clean the fish, tables and surrounds with good clean sea water fresh from the sea.

Now that's a good idea and would save the Shire the ongoing maintenance of the boat ramps they so dislike.

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