Wednesday, 1 September 2021

 Have you taken the survey?

It is being promoted as a lifejacket “safety” survey but it is much much more.

It covers the allocation of Boating Now funds, the use of drones, retraining for your current licence and video cameras at boat ramps.
The Association will over the next few weeks give you some answers to the questions this Association has supplied. Feel free to cut and past and to open the discussion on what follows.
Question 29
To what extent do you think the Boating Now program has siccessfully improved maritime facilities in NSW?

Question 30
What improvements could be made to the program?
Question 30 Answers
The allocation of funds and the location of upgrades should not be solely in the hands of Councils but in licence boat users. The ramps should meet the published Guidelines and Standards. The upgrades and maintenance should be spread equally along the coast based on local and regional licence and boat numbers. Ramps should be grouped into usage rates (H, M & L) and a schedule of upgrades and maintenance introduced controlled by a local representative body. Boating Now should allocate Capital Costs for construction then Maintenance for real maritime improvements not local tourist facilities such as BBQ, Street lights and resurfacing car parks which should be the responsibility of the local Council. All proposals, design and sign-off should have the local boating community or body sign-off not some select (yes minister) group.
What do you think? Can you add more to this question if so post below or email the Association.
As every good politician knows “Take the survey” and vote early and often.

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