Thursday, 15 July 2021

Batemans Bay Boat Ramp locked up but lit-up


Batemans Bay Boat Ramp locked up but lit-up

Last week a group of Fishos and Boaters gathered at Hanging Rock Boat ramp to meet with the Eurobodalla project engineer and works manager to try and resolve the many issues regarding this Boating-Now funded project.
In July 2020 the local Member Andrew Constance announced a $300,000 upgrade to this location including: Building a 30-metre long boat rigging bay, upgrading the boat wash-down area with improvements to the pavement and an additional tap, extending the southern pontoon and upgrading signage and lighting.
The Association supported this initiative because the southern pontoon is in disrepair, damaged, has piles that are a danger to people and is a trip hazard due to rotting wood decking. The lighting in the area was not fit for purpose and the fish cleaning table was a disgrace at which no person would clean their catch for human consumption.
It has now been established the approved application for the extension to the southern pontoons has been changed and now the working and disability and Kayak friendly pontoons are to be removed and replaced by two wooden pontoons that dont meet the Standard or guidelines. Why did the Council Engineer decide to reallocate the funds to the northern pontoon and leave the southern pontoon in disrepair?

When this information surfaced the group met with Council on-site to see if we could salvage this project. It appears not.

Council is again going ahead ignoring real local knowledge and community consultation and doing what one inside group wants. Remember Mosquito Bay boat ramp light.
The boating and fishing group clearly articulated where we want the $300,000 of our money allocated.
Lighting - At the end of the pontoons, at the top of the boat ramp, at the boat preparation area and at the wash down area.
Road Line Markings – this shows visitors and regulars how the traffic flow works and assists people reversing boat trailers towards the boat ramp. Cats-eyes on the ramp ridges and other appropriate places.
Wash Down Area – the current “improvement” just dont work with a kerb too high for trailers, insufficient taps and inadequate lighting.
Tie Down Exit Area – Currently there is no designated area so after wash down move to this area to prepare your vessel for the road and free up the wash down area.
Fish Cleaning Tables – up grade the taps and surface with suitable roof and lights for this major tourist regional facility.
Signage – this shows traffic flows, where to park and where to perform tasks including safety and information regarding the sanctuary zones of the local Marine Park.
Today Essential Energy contractor replaced the non-working lights in the precinct but not with the design suggested by the group and again Council does what it wants.

Do any vessel owner or fisho have further suggestion on how this boat ramp can be improved.

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