Monday, 1 February 2021

Questions unanswered

The Association posed a number of question regarding the operational aspects of the Marine Rescue operation in saving a solo yachtsman last week and the abandoning of a so called “sinking” yacht along the south coast of NSW.

The questions raised were the following:

Who made the decision to leave the vessel to the mercy of the sea? Was it Marine Rescue instructing the master under some dubious police authority or was it made by the owner fearing legal liability?
  • Who made the decision to leave the vessel to drift ashore or sink into the depths of a Marine Park?
  • Did Marine Rescue place or activate an EPIRB on board to track the vessel?
  • Did the vessel have an AIS safety device to tell other vessels its location, speed and direction?
  • Has this operation been recorder as an AMSA incident and when?
  • What notice to mariners has been issued regarding a “sinking” vessel in the area?
  • Will Marine Rescue undertake a full, open and transparent incident and operational review of this incident?
The Association has made every effort to contact the sailor to establish the facts but has been stone walled by Marine Rescue refusing to provide information or update their social medial posts. They refer all enquiries to the Police Information Centre and Eden Police who also gave the Association the run around saying they know nothing.

Maritime Incident office was not aware of the situation and a search of their database returned nothing however the local BB Boating Safety Officer was aware of the incident and did a cursory search south of the rescue area on Saturday in difficult conditions. He took his brand new vessel for a spin. He speculates the abandoned yacht could be miles into the Tasman Sea and therefore not their responsibility. It could return months from now, still floating.

It appears that Marine Rescue is starting to cover their tracks and close the channels of communication. No-one is speaking. Some are just plain rude. The website has not been updated and no notice to local or State mariners has been issued as to the hazard to navigation of the yacht. Maritime and AMSA have not issued a statement.

So the questions still remain:
  • What went wrong with the operation and why the stonewalling?
  • Why does AMSA not know about a drifting vessel in the Tasman Sea?
  • Why has Maritime not made the public aware of the dangers of an unlit drifting vessel along the coast?
  • Who will be responsible for the cleanup if the vessel comes ashore or sinks in the marine park?
And the final very important question: When will the public who contribute significant funds to the assets and operational expense of Marine Rescue know the details of this incident?

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