Thursday, 30 July 2020

Draft Batemans Bay Waterfront Draft Master Plan and Activation Strategy

 Submission to the Draft Batemans Bay Waterfront Draft Master Plan and Activation Strategy

From The Batemans Bay Boaters Association inc Committee and the majority of the Members
Below is the Associations submission to Keep the Clyde Street Boat Ramp Open. The balance of comment are contained in a further submission.
The Association has heard Council’s employees and the Mayor’s ongoing assertions that they took into consideration a wide range of opinions regarding the foreshore and particularly the area west of the current bridge. As a result of this input Council has published the Draft Batemans Bay Waterfront Draft Master Plan and Activation Strategy which clearly shows the removal of the Clyde Street Boat Ramp and the down grading and/or removal of the fishing platform and the scrapping of any floating pontoons associated with the T-wharf.
In your document and elsewhere Council justifies the “Community Consultation” at the Bay in November 2019 and a flawed survey from 85 respondents of unidentified residential locations and boat ownership status for the proposal to remove the boat ramp.
Statements such as “There were divided opinions…”, The boat ramp would be a“barrier to achieve an otherwise strong, attractive and safe activated waterfront.”, “Some boat users mentioned there are other boat ramps available”. These are the statement in your own document for justifying the removal of the boat ramp.
Yet on the same page you highlight “Transport for NSW (TfNSW) indicated they will not be removing the boat ramp at Clyde Street as part of the bridge replacement”.
Where are the facts, balance and logic for removal especially as the decision for removal would be in the hands of Transport for NSW and not Council.
The statement in your document “Remove the boat ramp replace with Hardstand area, artworks interpretation as per RMS proposal)” is a complete untruth. RMS has never made any statement regarding the removal of the boat ramp, quite contrary – this was pure deception.
This subterfuge of a survey to justify the removal of a public facility by way of a draft document to be adopted by Council with the purpose of achieving the outcome desired by Council staff is appalling conduct.
Water based representative Associations were invited to “consultation” meetings but their input and the thousand of members they represent was not acknowledged as a significant input to the proposed closing of the boat ramp and issues identified. The so called consultation with Oyster Growers was a pretence.
The Batemans Bay Boaters Association Inc questions the process, the survey and any counter argument for the closure of the boat ramp. It appears to be a complete misrepresentation. myopic and biased, boarding on lies.
This is now a question of truth and trust.
It is not about representative numbers which you don’t acknowledge but about Council – the GM, Director’s and employees written and spoken word. How can we ever believe what is said and written when you go ahead and endorse a draft document so far from what has been previously stated it appears to be a sick inappropriate joke.
How can the Community ever trust Councils word? This episode has permanently damaged the trust we have in your actions. There are many Associations, fishing clubs and individuals who are now questioning why they should ever bother participating in your sham consultation process, let alone your written word.
I have set out below the facts - statements made by Council and Government Departments for the retaining of the boatramp, fishing platform and the enhancement/removal of the T-wharf. It makes for eye watering reading!
Batemans Bay Bridge Replacement Review of Environmental Factors Submissions Report - Roads and Maritime Services | May 2018
This REF document was open for comment in December 2017. RMS received 71 direct submissions while Council received 10 detailed submissions. These came from individuals, businesses and community groups. They cover a fairly narrow scope of issues such as the proposed low height of the bridge, the boat ramps, T-wharf, foreshore design plus traffic flows.
The relevant issues identified including those in Council’s own submission and RMS responses are as follows:
Page 20 “The southern foreshore boat ramp would be retained. Other facilities such as picnic tables and fish cleaning tables would be retained or replaced. The northern boat ramp may be required to be removed and replaced to the east, if directly affected. Roads and Maritime would continue to consult with the community, Council and DPI (Fisheries) regarding the foreshore works, particularly on those items that project into the river.”
The replacement T Wharf would be installed at the same location as the existing structure, …
Council’s Draft Submission to Roads and Maritime Services Environmental Assessment Concept Design for the Proposed Batemans Bay Bridge December 2017
Page 22 “Upgrade of the existing NSW Government owned T-wharf to permit greater access to the Batemans Bay CBD from the water, including if practicable provision to meet accessibility requirements.”
“Council wishes to retain the local boat ramp on the southern side of the Clyde River as it provides an important access point to the Clyde River.”
Page 23 “The use of the rockwall protrusion at the existing southern abutment would provide a suitable location for a fishing platform to offset the loss of the fishing currently undertaken off the existing bridge.”
Page 25 “The proposed new wharf structure to replace the NSW Government T-wharf is welcome and should be designed to facilitate improved boating access to the CBD by both commercial and recreational users.”
Batemans Bay project Urban Design and Landscape Plan 12 August 2019
This document clearly shows on Page 83 a diagram Southern Foreshore – Landscape Concept Plan the Clyde Street Boat Ramp and trailer parking maintained.
On page 101 “Retain the existing boat ramp and the heritage punt”
These points are further emphasised with Drawings on page 103, 106.110
“Upgrade the existing pontoons along the promenade to include a T-shaped floating structure with Gangway.”
“A fishing and viewing platform in the location and of the general shape of the existing BB Bridge abutment” along with detailed design and diagrams and sketches.
In contrast Councils Draft Foreshore document Map 2:
Submission to Transport for NSW Proposed Foreshore Plans Batemans Bay Bridge Prepared in consultation with Council 12 July 2019
Section 3. Boating Facilities
Council acknowledges the inclusion of the existing boat ramp facilities in Clyde Street west and Old Punt Road consistent with Council’s previous submissions on the Batemans Bay bridge. We also acknowledge the minor increase in boat and trailer parking.
Clyde Street West
The turning area should be checked to ensure manoeuvrability. The ramp and all features should be restored to Council’s satisfaction following the works.
Proposed T-wharf upgrade
We welcome the decision to upgrade this NSW Government owned and operated facility to incorporate two additional large floating pontoons either side of the existing concrete T-wharf as advocated by Council.
This apparent advocacy turns out to be bunkum with subterfuge, secret meetings and deals regarding the T-Wharf.
On the Eurobodalla Shire own web site at the following location we found:
Batemans Bay Bridge - related works
While plans were being finalised for the new bridge we advocated to the NSW Government and they have agreed to:
  • retain the ramp and boat parking on the southern side of the Clyde River
  • provide a ramp with a modest increase in boat parking on the northern side of the Clyde River
  • provide a fishing platform on the southern side of the river
  • upgrade the NSW Government-owned T-wharf (east of the existing bridge) with the addition of two large pontoons to service commercial operations, cruise ship tenders and to improve access to the CBD by recreational vessels.
On 20 July 2018 Warren Sharpe - Director Infrastructure Services wrote to the Vice President Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW with the following commitments:
Batemans Bay bridge and related works
This project had the potential to adversely impact boating facilities on the Clyde River. Council has advocated to the NSW Government and Roads & Maritime Services and achieved agreement to the following:
a) Retention of the ramp and boat parking on the southern side of the Clyde River
b) Provision of a ramp with a modest increase in boat parking on the northern side of the Clyde River
c) Provision of a platform on the southern side of the river suitable for use by fishermen
d) Provision of a replacement for the existing NSW Government owned T-wharf (immediately east of the existing bridge) with improved accessibility.
These works will be provided at the full cost of the NSW Government as part of the bridge project. The RMS is responsible for the preparation of detailed designs of these facilities and has committed to engage with Council and the community prior to works proceeding.
Again this apparent advocacy turns out to be false.
The first boat ramp to be closed on the Clyde River

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