Thursday, 17 December 2020

BB Bridge replacement project

 Update from Transport for NSW regarding the new BB Bridge replacement project.

Boat Ramps to Open

Clyde Street
Clyde Street boat ramp will be reopened on Thursday 17 December 2020, weather permitting.

Old Punt Road

Old Punt Road boat ramp will close again from Monday 11 January 2021 and access to the river will continue to alternate between the boat ramps for the remainder of major work. Signage will be in place at both boat ramps to keep the community informed.
Both Old Punt Road boat ramp and Clyde Street boat ramp will each provide up to eight boat trailer parking spaces, a safe boat holding location, and a boat trailer turn-around area.
TfNSW points out that Hanging Rock boatramp will be open and may be used by vessel wishing to travel upstream. The Association STRONGLY suggest to boat owners to proceed with a high degree of caution if leaving Hanging Rock boat ramp on passage up the Clyde River. If your skills or vessels are not adequate for this area please dont attempt to pass through the exit in unsuitable conditions.

On an outgoing tide with even a slight Northerly wind and any eastern swell the area is very very dangerous.
It has wrongly been classified as smooth water not requiring lifejackets and safety equipment for open water. This was done so Transport for NSW (Maritime) could close the local boat ramps west of the bridge and not reinstate the wash-away temporary boat ramp. One serious accident has already happened in the area as a result of these actions.

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Punt Street Boat Ramp Sand Removal

 Yesterday at low tide John Holland’s local contractor arrived at the Punt Street Boat Ramp and removed the build up of sand on the only open boatramp west of the bridge. Well done John Holland for doing this just before the busy holiday period. This will make this less than adequate boat ramp a bit safer for those that wish to traverse the middle reaches of the Clyde River.

The Association appreciated this effort.
Now enforce your own rules regarding trades utes and cars parking in spaces reserved for boat trailers and for staying in spaces longer than the designated time both here and at the Clyde Street Boat Ramp area. This has been an ongoing problem which John Holland refuses to address.
Update: Clyde Street Boat Ramp will reopen - fore the foreseeable future on Thursday 17 December 2020. John Holland has released a notice this morning.

Sunday, 13 December 2020

Batemns Bay Floating Pontoons - CBD

 Andrew Constance confirms that the CBD floating pontoons that the Association has for so long been advocating for will be installed as part of the Batemans Bay Bridge Project.

Minister Constance in a Press release this morning Monday 23 Nov 2020 confirmed that the additional work associated with the bridge will be completed in 2023.

With reference to the bridge schedule he said: “Work is also continuing on the new southern and northern foreshores – which will include a public artwork, a mural, a children’s playground and a new floating pontoon on the southern side. The project is expected to be complete in 2023.”
Mr Watson Smith from the Associations welcomes this announcement that the cost of this development will come from the Bridge project and not from the boater's licence fees in the Boating Now Fund.
“The floating pontoons will be an asset to the Bay which all locals and visitors may enjoy. It will facilitate both sailing and other vessels docking right along side the hopefully upgraded and activated foreshore. This brings an added attraction to our waterfront which remain isolated from road access.”
There are a few more pieces to this picture to be announced namely; The upgrade of the dilapidated concrete T-wharf to a fully featured fishing platform with lights, seats, water and fish cleaning tables and recycle bins. This will make it fisho and visitor friendly.
Secondly the upgrade of the southern side boat ramp with pontoons and boater friendly facilities to make it more accessible to the elderly and less mobile who just want to enjoy a day on the beautiful Clyde waterway.
Thirdly the northern Punt Road boat ramp will require extensive remodelling now the new bridge dominates the area with boat trailer friendly roads , wash down areas and suitable parking facilities for the expected surge in demand as a result of the increased visitor arrive.
The Batemans Bay Boaters Associations welcomes the local Minister renewed interest in the marine infrastructure now that he is in charge of Maritime and the Infrastructure delivery office.

Thursday, 5 November 2020

 Clyde Street boatramp to be closed permanently by the Council's CBD Foreshore Plan has been closed to build the bridge. We all accept that but what has become of the Councils Foreshore Draft Plan? It was proposed to be put before Council this month for endorsement. Lets hope they are waiting for the Minister to announce that he has found some money to enhance the facility to everyone's benefit.

Andrew Constance has today announced $7.1 Million for the Tathra Wharf to be upgraded. This comes on top of previous funding to repair the wharf.
Mr Constance said “Tathra Wharf is an icon and a recreation and tourism magnet that offers a great spot for fishing or a bite to eat, taking in the sweeping coastline views and marine life, or just enjoying a weekend promenade to get some sun and fresh air,”
Could the same be said for BB Foreshore and the iconic boatramp?
Well done Minister keep looking for funds.

Friday, 16 October 2020

Floating Pontoons in Batemans Bay CBD

 Andrew Constance the local Member and Minister for Transport which includes Maritime has this morning announced that the floating pontoons east of the concrete T-Wharf which the Association has been advocating to be built for a number of years will go ahead.

Thanks Minister for listening and heeding the logical Community support for this interface between the CBD and our great water the Clyde River.
In the Statement he said: "The community will begin to notice work beginning on foreshore improvements like the floating pontoon, which will deliver more boat berths than originally proposed and better access to the CBD.

“Survey and design work is being carried out for the pontoon which will be located downstream of the existing T-wharf, on the CBD side of the river,” Mr Constance said.
“The pontoon will improve access to the foreshore and town centre and increase berthing opportunities for river users when it opens for use.”
The attached artiest impression clearly shows how more activity will take place on the Batemans Bay Foreshore and re-energise this area. All the Association wishes for is for Council in the new Draft Plan for the Foreshore is to maintain the Clyde Street Boat Ramp and place a pontoon adjacent to this to assist less able boaters and fishers use their boats and access the proposed pontoons on the foreshore and the upper reaches of the Clyde River.

Friday, 9 October 2020

Foreign Vessel up the Clyde River

 This is a new foreign vessel up the river. Did you notice? Yes the Singaporean registered barge came out of survey a few weeks ago and was required to travel to Brisbane for an out-of-water survey.

Did it? No The contractor requested a further extension to the already out of date survey but the Singapore authorities said no.
So what did the John Holland (Transport for NSW) do? Simple register the vessel in the Cooke Islands without a survey. Why? Because the safety and environmental requirements for a Cooke Island vessel are much lower and less strict. So this working platform for all the tradies may not be safe and the water discharge requirements are just not the same.
Thankfully AMSA has taken a hard line on foreign vessels entering Australian waters over the last few months banning 4 vessels from our port because they are not safe and not compliant. Will AMSA visit the 1807 barge and check the safety equipment and working conditions?
Will the local Member and Minister for Maritime condone unsafe working conditions from his subcontractors just to finish the bridge?

Questions. Questions but as always we never get straight answers.

Saturday, 3 October 2020

Labor Shadow Minister for Crown Lands visits Marina

 Labor Shadow Minister for Crown Lands Ms Tara Moriarty MLC visited Batemans Bay to view for herself some of the issues confronting fishers and boaters. Accompanying her were the Vice President of the Recreational Fishing Alliance Max Castle and President of the BB Boaters Association.

The Liberal Minister for Crown Lands initiated a report submitted four years ago to the Department outlining more than 50 non-compliance issue covering safety, fire and electrical non-conformity at the marina. The Department has since commissioned three external engineering report and one internal report arising from the Associations 6,500 word submission.

In June 2020 the Department still would not confirm that all the issues have been addressed and that the marina is safe for the public to use. The ongoing safety and non-compliance issues at the Marina were explained to the Shadow Minister as was the lack of response from the local Liberal Minister. The Department of Crown Land's conduct has been brought into question.
The opening of the northern shore boat ramp at old Punt Road for river users has, even during the first week, not been a great success with a river punt sinking in the rough and unsuitable conditions as it traversed the channel from Hanging Rock to the middle reaches of the Clyde River. If it was not for the quick actions of one of the public to alert the police and Marine Rescue the two occupants may well have been swept out to sea clinging to their upturned vessel. Hanging Rock boat ramp is not a suitable launching location for low free-board river vessels. The movement of the smooth water limits to the end of the break-wall was only implemented so John Holland could claim that an alternative boatramp was available to boaters and fishers. Thankfully the current disaster did not turn into a tragedy.
Shadow Minister stated it was a productive meeting covering many issues involving the use of Crown Lands along the CBD foreshore. She was concerned about the safety at the BB Marina and the lack of response by the Department.

The removal of the Clyde Street boat ramp also located on Crown Lands, while a local issue managed by Council would require Crown Lands involvement and the Minister’s approval. She will be following the final recommendation which are likely to again come before Council next month.
The Recreational Fishing Alliance and the Boaters will be consulting widely as these issues develop. Does the closing of the boatramps west of the bridge impact you?

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Clyde Street Boat Ramp Parking

 Use the Clyde Street boat ramp while you can because the new bridge is growing southwards at an alarming rate. You will be lucky to find a park. As always John Holland subcontractors and employees take up all available spaces for most of the day.

Friday, 11 September 2020

Council Presentation - No Response - Why?

The BB Boaters Association made a presentation to Council regarding NOT removing the Clyde Street boat ramp. We offered all Counsellors an opportunity to visit the site and to talk directly with boaters and fishers about the facts and our vision for an activated foreshore and the use of the ramp.

Did any Counsellor contact us? NO not on your life would they be seen to find out the facts because there would be consequences within the Council.
The boat ramp is about to be closed by John Holland to continue building the bridge safely. We understand you cant make an omelette without breaking and egg but a boat ramp? You can put it back together again better with more facilities like floating pontoons. Why not?

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Council at the Public Forum

 The Association made the presentation to Council at the Public Forum at 9:30 Tuesday. Quite well received with just one question from Councillor Jack Tait asking why all Councillors where not invited to the on-site meeting at the Clyde Street Boat Ramp. Sorry Jack we did not initiate the meeting but you have now been invited along with others to meet the Boaters and Fishers representatives at the boat ramp to see the actual situation.

A post script Mayor Liz Innes was not at the Council meeting to hear the presentation.

Monday, 10 August 2020

Batemans Bay Boaters Association Inc Public Submission

 Batemans Bay Boaters Association Inc Public Submission on the Agenda item QON20/006 Future of the Batemans Bay Clyde Street Boat Ramp. Council Meeting 11 August 2020

I want to ask three questions:
1. Can we trust anything that Council writes, reports or states?
2. What is the reality and facts regarding the foreshore?
3. What can you Councillors do about stopping the closure of the boat ramp?
In the Boaters submission to the Draft Plan which is available on the web and Facebook we questioned the process, the so-called survey, the justifications used and then highlighted six instances where Council has categorically, and clearly stated that the Clyde Street boat ramp will be retained and furthermore that Council would lobby to see this happens.

1. Can we trust anything that Council writes, reports or states?

The fishers and boaters sat on the Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee and acknowledged (along with the Mayor, Director Sharpe and the GM) the Transport for NSW plans that showed the retention and reconfiguration of the two boat ramps west of the new bridge. We were not happy because the proposal did not meet the boat ramp standards but we, like many others, took them at their word.

We wrote a comprehensive report “A Game Changer for the Bay CBD” highlighting how the waterfront could be activated through inter alia installing floating pontoons adjacent to the CBD. That has been widely distributed in Council and further afield.

We also took Council’s submission as their position and their word as shown below being extracts from these reports:

Batemans Bay Bridge Replacement Review of Environmental Factors Submissions Report - Roads and Maritime Services | May 2018
Page 20 “The southern foreshore boat ramp would be retained. Other facilities such as picnic tables and fish cleaning tables would be retained or replaced.

Council’s Draft Submission to Roads and Maritime Services Environmental Assessment Concept Design for the Proposed Batemans Bay Bridge December 2017
Page 22 “Council wishes to retain the local boat ramp on the southern side of the Clyde River as it provides an important access point to the Clyde River.”
Batemans Bay project Urban Design and Landscape Plan 12 August 2019
Page 101 “Retain the existing boat ramp and the heritage punt”

Submission to Transport for NSW Proposed Foreshore Plans Batemans Bay Bridge Prepared in consultation with Council 12 July 2019
Council acknowledges the inclusion of the existing boat ramp facilities in Clyde Street west and Old Punt Road consistent with Council’s previous submissions on the Batemans Bay bridge.
The ramp and all features should be restored to Council’s satisfaction following the works.

Eurobodalla Shire own web site
While plans were being finalised for the new bridge we advocated to the NSW Government and they have agreed to:
▪ retain the ramp and boat parking on the southern side of the Clyde River
▪ provide a ramp with a modest increase in boat parking on the northern side of the Clyde River

Batemans Bay bridge and related works Letter from Warren Sharpe 20 July 2018
Council has advocated to the NSW Government and Roads & Maritime Services and achieved agreement to the following:
a) Retention of the ramp and boat parking on the southern side of the Clyde River
So what has changed you may ask?
We now see that this project team has, over the last 12 or so months, consulted widely and decided that pedestrian access is more important than a boat ramp, and more importantly, they can change the stated position of Council.

So who can we trust - the Waterfront project team and an out-of-town consultant, or Council's endorsed and published position.
This had become a matter of truth and trust not only in Council but in you the Counsellors.

2. So what is the reality and facts?

I will not attempt to show that the response data or process is incorrect or flawed but I will use Councils own data to highlight the importance of water based activities to visitors to the Bay.

These come from Eurobodalla Shire Council Visitor Research 2018 Prepared by: Micromex Research Date: March 20, 2018
92% of visitors experienced water based activities with 32% going fishing invariably on a boat while an additional 38% to 18% went boating or kayaking and on-average 8% hired a vessel.

You can see I can also use data to highlight the importance of water-based activities and the important asset a boat ramp plays in bringing visitors and money into the bay.
But let take the statements in the response we have before us here today:

The boat ramp was seen by some as creating a barrier to an otherwise strong, attractive, safe and activated waterfront. and
The Plan recommends the removal of the Clyde Street boat ramp and trailer parking to prioritise pedestrians …. by
Providing a continuous, safe, attractive pedestrian access along the foreshore linking Smoke Point to Beach road..

So, we want to prioritise pedestrians walking along the foreshore from the oyster farmers wharf right down to Beach Road on some board walk. But what do we actually have - two dilapidated structures right in the way of this so called sweeping vista of the water land interface.

The first is the 50 years old timber structure called the Innes Boat Shed which a former minister for Crown Lands in 2009 let a contract to demolish and redevelop into a swish information centre. There is no mention of this recommendation in the Draft Plan.

And the second is the equally dilapidated concrete T-wharf which was written into the John Holland Bridge contract to be removed and redevelopment with floating pontoons. And this, as you all well remember, was supported and promoted by the current Minister for Transport Andrew Constance.

And here again the Plan and this response makes no mention of this statement of fact.
So who can we trust with the truth - the project teams Draft Plan and response or the actual facts, statements and reality we all know?

3. What can you Councillors do about stopping the closure of the boat ramp?

Firstly, you can, behind closed doors, insist that the Draft Plan be changed and revised to include the retaining of the Clyde Street Boat Ramp, plus expanding the fishing platform and the installation of floating pontoons along the shore of the CBD.
Secondly, have this amended plan put out for comment along with all the submissions made to the first draft.
Thirdly come out in support of retaining the boat ramp like four Councillor have done recently, including the Mayor Liz Innes and Jack Tait. We welcome these statements and commitments. I trust more Counsellors will do the same.

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Draft Batemans Bay Waterfront Draft Master Plan and Activation Strategy

 Submission to the Draft Batemans Bay Waterfront Draft Master Plan and Activation Strategy

From The Batemans Bay Boaters Association inc Committee and the majority of the Members
Below is the Associations submission to Keep the Clyde Street Boat Ramp Open. The balance of comment are contained in a further submission.
The Association has heard Council’s employees and the Mayor’s ongoing assertions that they took into consideration a wide range of opinions regarding the foreshore and particularly the area west of the current bridge. As a result of this input Council has published the Draft Batemans Bay Waterfront Draft Master Plan and Activation Strategy which clearly shows the removal of the Clyde Street Boat Ramp and the down grading and/or removal of the fishing platform and the scrapping of any floating pontoons associated with the T-wharf.
In your document and elsewhere Council justifies the “Community Consultation” at the Bay in November 2019 and a flawed survey from 85 respondents of unidentified residential locations and boat ownership status for the proposal to remove the boat ramp.
Statements such as “There were divided opinions…”, The boat ramp would be a“barrier to achieve an otherwise strong, attractive and safe activated waterfront.”, “Some boat users mentioned there are other boat ramps available”. These are the statement in your own document for justifying the removal of the boat ramp.
Yet on the same page you highlight “Transport for NSW (TfNSW) indicated they will not be removing the boat ramp at Clyde Street as part of the bridge replacement”.
Where are the facts, balance and logic for removal especially as the decision for removal would be in the hands of Transport for NSW and not Council.
The statement in your document “Remove the boat ramp replace with Hardstand area, artworks interpretation as per RMS proposal)” is a complete untruth. RMS has never made any statement regarding the removal of the boat ramp, quite contrary – this was pure deception.
This subterfuge of a survey to justify the removal of a public facility by way of a draft document to be adopted by Council with the purpose of achieving the outcome desired by Council staff is appalling conduct.
Water based representative Associations were invited to “consultation” meetings but their input and the thousand of members they represent was not acknowledged as a significant input to the proposed closing of the boat ramp and issues identified. The so called consultation with Oyster Growers was a pretence.
The Batemans Bay Boaters Association Inc questions the process, the survey and any counter argument for the closure of the boat ramp. It appears to be a complete misrepresentation. myopic and biased, boarding on lies.
This is now a question of truth and trust.
It is not about representative numbers which you don’t acknowledge but about Council – the GM, Director’s and employees written and spoken word. How can we ever believe what is said and written when you go ahead and endorse a draft document so far from what has been previously stated it appears to be a sick inappropriate joke.
How can the Community ever trust Councils word? This episode has permanently damaged the trust we have in your actions. There are many Associations, fishing clubs and individuals who are now questioning why they should ever bother participating in your sham consultation process, let alone your written word.
I have set out below the facts - statements made by Council and Government Departments for the retaining of the boatramp, fishing platform and the enhancement/removal of the T-wharf. It makes for eye watering reading!
Batemans Bay Bridge Replacement Review of Environmental Factors Submissions Report - Roads and Maritime Services | May 2018
This REF document was open for comment in December 2017. RMS received 71 direct submissions while Council received 10 detailed submissions. These came from individuals, businesses and community groups. They cover a fairly narrow scope of issues such as the proposed low height of the bridge, the boat ramps, T-wharf, foreshore design plus traffic flows.
The relevant issues identified including those in Council’s own submission and RMS responses are as follows:
Page 20 “The southern foreshore boat ramp would be retained. Other facilities such as picnic tables and fish cleaning tables would be retained or replaced. The northern boat ramp may be required to be removed and replaced to the east, if directly affected. Roads and Maritime would continue to consult with the community, Council and DPI (Fisheries) regarding the foreshore works, particularly on those items that project into the river.”
The replacement T Wharf would be installed at the same location as the existing structure, …
Council’s Draft Submission to Roads and Maritime Services Environmental Assessment Concept Design for the Proposed Batemans Bay Bridge December 2017
Page 22 “Upgrade of the existing NSW Government owned T-wharf to permit greater access to the Batemans Bay CBD from the water, including if practicable provision to meet accessibility requirements.”
“Council wishes to retain the local boat ramp on the southern side of the Clyde River as it provides an important access point to the Clyde River.”
Page 23 “The use of the rockwall protrusion at the existing southern abutment would provide a suitable location for a fishing platform to offset the loss of the fishing currently undertaken off the existing bridge.”
Page 25 “The proposed new wharf structure to replace the NSW Government T-wharf is welcome and should be designed to facilitate improved boating access to the CBD by both commercial and recreational users.”
Batemans Bay project Urban Design and Landscape Plan 12 August 2019
This document clearly shows on Page 83 a diagram Southern Foreshore – Landscape Concept Plan the Clyde Street Boat Ramp and trailer parking maintained.
On page 101 “Retain the existing boat ramp and the heritage punt”
These points are further emphasised with Drawings on page 103, 106.110
“Upgrade the existing pontoons along the promenade to include a T-shaped floating structure with Gangway.”
“A fishing and viewing platform in the location and of the general shape of the existing BB Bridge abutment” along with detailed design and diagrams and sketches.
In contrast Councils Draft Foreshore document Map 2:
Submission to Transport for NSW Proposed Foreshore Plans Batemans Bay Bridge Prepared in consultation with Council 12 July 2019
Section 3. Boating Facilities
Council acknowledges the inclusion of the existing boat ramp facilities in Clyde Street west and Old Punt Road consistent with Council’s previous submissions on the Batemans Bay bridge. We also acknowledge the minor increase in boat and trailer parking.
Clyde Street West
The turning area should be checked to ensure manoeuvrability. The ramp and all features should be restored to Council’s satisfaction following the works.
Proposed T-wharf upgrade
We welcome the decision to upgrade this NSW Government owned and operated facility to incorporate two additional large floating pontoons either side of the existing concrete T-wharf as advocated by Council.
This apparent advocacy turns out to be bunkum with subterfuge, secret meetings and deals regarding the T-Wharf.
On the Eurobodalla Shire own web site at the following location we found:
Batemans Bay Bridge - related works
While plans were being finalised for the new bridge we advocated to the NSW Government and they have agreed to:
  • retain the ramp and boat parking on the southern side of the Clyde River
  • provide a ramp with a modest increase in boat parking on the northern side of the Clyde River
  • provide a fishing platform on the southern side of the river
  • upgrade the NSW Government-owned T-wharf (east of the existing bridge) with the addition of two large pontoons to service commercial operations, cruise ship tenders and to improve access to the CBD by recreational vessels.
On 20 July 2018 Warren Sharpe - Director Infrastructure Services wrote to the Vice President Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW with the following commitments:
Batemans Bay bridge and related works
This project had the potential to adversely impact boating facilities on the Clyde River. Council has advocated to the NSW Government and Roads & Maritime Services and achieved agreement to the following:
a) Retention of the ramp and boat parking on the southern side of the Clyde River
b) Provision of a ramp with a modest increase in boat parking on the northern side of the Clyde River
c) Provision of a platform on the southern side of the river suitable for use by fishermen
d) Provision of a replacement for the existing NSW Government owned T-wharf (immediately east of the existing bridge) with improved accessibility.
These works will be provided at the full cost of the NSW Government as part of the bridge project. The RMS is responsible for the preparation of detailed designs of these facilities and has committed to engage with Council and the community prior to works proceeding.
Again this apparent advocacy turns out to be false.
The first boat ramp to be closed on the Clyde River

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

BB T-wharf to be removed?

 Great to see young people fishing off the current T-wharf on the Batemans Bay Waterfront. Just imagine if they had a purpose built fishing platform That idea appears to have been removed in Councils current Draft Waterfront Master Plan.

Friday, 24 July 2020

Boating Now Grants

The Batemans Bay Boaters welcomes the Minister’s announcement of investment in marine infrastructure in the Eurobodalla. The $1.1 million is an added bonus to all the community especially as the major components are tourist based facilities such as a new tap, signage, curbing and more street lights at the boat ramp areas.

The Bega Shire get $1.36 million for just two projects, both of which are actual three lane boat ramps.
Hanging Rock “Boat Ramp” gets improved pavements and the surfacing of the wash down area. Marine Rescue receive an extension to their exclusive facilities with an added floating pontoons in their on-water area.
This spending of boaters licence fees at Hanging Rock is taking place in the lease area of the BB Marina managed by the Sydney development company. The issue is why is the State Government investing in a privately managed lease for the obvious benefit of the lease holders who may close that section of the marina tomorrow, just like they did for the other boat ramp and wharf located in the marina precinct. See attached Photo.

The upgraded classed as a “new” boat ramp at Brieley’s place next to the Moruya River airport has questionable value because it is in very shallow waters behind a sand bank and a difficult passage to the river and almost impossible to the river mouth and open sea.

The question who put in these applications and what consultation took place with the real on-water boaters and fishers is again raised. This lack of real consultation by the Shire has again come to the fore with the release of the Batemans Bay Waterfront Master Plan & Activation Strategy currently out for comment.

The firestorm of outrage over the proposed closure of the Clyde Street Boat Ramp should have given the Mayor Liz Innes and Councillor Jack Tait, who attended today’s announcement, a very clear warning that any participation at such an announcement would be greeted with a high level of scepticism.

The Association trust that if the local print and TV media were at the announcement they would have asked “What happened to the Clyde Street Boat Ramp and why did the Minister not clarify the issue and promise to spend no money in taking away this vital piece of marine asset used by locals and visitor for many years in the past.” We await their breathless praise of the spending of boaters money on tourist facilities.

If you haven't as yet sent in a response to the foreshore activation plan please do so because submissions close on Tuesday 28 July 2020.

Just click the link here