Update from Transport for NSW regarding the new BB Bridge replacement project.
Representing boat owners in the Batemans Bay area and surrounding waterways.
Thursday, 17 December 2020
BB Bridge replacement project
Wednesday, 16 December 2020
Punt Street Boat Ramp Sand Removal
Yesterday at low tide John Holland’s local contractor arrived at the Punt Street Boat Ramp and removed the build up of sand on the only open boatramp west of the bridge. Well done John Holland for doing this just before the busy holiday period. This will make this less than adequate boat ramp a bit safer for those that wish to traverse the middle reaches of the Clyde River.
Sunday, 13 December 2020
Batemns Bay Floating Pontoons - CBD
Andrew Constance confirms that the CBD floating pontoons that the Association has for so long been advocating for will be installed as part of the Batemans Bay Bridge Project.
Thursday, 5 November 2020
Clyde Street boatramp to be closed permanently by the Council's CBD Foreshore Plan has been closed to build the bridge. We all accept that but what has become of the Councils Foreshore Draft Plan? It was proposed to be put before Council this month for endorsement. Lets hope they are waiting for the Minister to announce that he has found some money to enhance the facility to everyone's benefit.
Friday, 16 October 2020
Floating Pontoons in Batemans Bay CBD
Andrew Constance the local Member and Minister for Transport which includes Maritime has this morning announced that the floating pontoons east of the concrete T-Wharf which the Association has been advocating to be built for a number of years will go ahead.
Friday, 9 October 2020
Foreign Vessel up the Clyde River
This is a new foreign vessel up the river. Did you notice? Yes the Singaporean registered barge came out of survey a few weeks ago and was required to travel to Brisbane for an out-of-water survey.
Saturday, 3 October 2020
Labor Shadow Minister for Crown Lands visits Marina
Labor Shadow Minister for Crown Lands Ms Tara Moriarty MLC visited Batemans Bay to view for herself some of the issues confronting fishers and boaters. Accompanying her were the Vice President of the Recreational Fishing Alliance Max Castle and President of the BB Boaters Association.
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Clyde Street Boat Ramp Parking
Use the Clyde Street boat ramp while you can because the new bridge is growing southwards at an alarming rate. You will be lucky to find a park. As always John Holland subcontractors and employees take up all available spaces for most of the day.
Friday, 11 September 2020
Council Presentation - No Response - Why?
The BB Boaters Association made a presentation to Council regarding NOT removing the Clyde Street boat ramp. We offered all Counsellors an opportunity to visit the site and to talk directly with boaters and fishers about the facts and our vision for an activated foreshore and the use of the ramp.
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Council at the Public Forum
The Association made the presentation to Council at the Public Forum at 9:30 Tuesday. Quite well received with just one question from Councillor Jack Tait asking why all Councillors where not invited to the on-site meeting at the Clyde Street Boat Ramp. Sorry Jack we did not initiate the meeting but you have now been invited along with others to meet the Boaters and Fishers representatives at the boat ramp to see the actual situation.
Monday, 10 August 2020
Batemans Bay Boaters Association Inc Public Submission
Batemans Bay Boaters Association Inc Public Submission on the Agenda item QON20/006 Future of the Batemans Bay Clyde Street Boat Ramp. Council Meeting 11 August 2020
1. Can we trust anything that Council writes, reports or states?

2. So what is the reality and facts?
3. What can you Councillors do about stopping the closure of the boat ramp?
Thursday, 30 July 2020
Draft Batemans Bay Waterfront Draft Master Plan and Activation Strategy
Submission to the Draft Batemans Bay Waterfront Draft Master Plan and Activation Strategy
- retain the ramp and boat parking on the southern side of the Clyde River
- provide a ramp with a modest increase in boat parking on the northern side of the Clyde River
- provide a fishing platform on the southern side of the river
- upgrade the NSW Government-owned T-wharf (east of the existing bridge) with the addition of two large pontoons to service commercial operations, cruise ship tenders and to improve access to the CBD by recreational vessels.
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
BB T-wharf to be removed?
Great to see young people fishing off the current T-wharf on the Batemans Bay Waterfront. Just imagine if they had a purpose built fishing platform That idea appears to have been removed in Councils current Draft Waterfront Master Plan.
Friday, 24 July 2020
Boating Now Grants
The Batemans Bay Boaters welcomes the Minister’s announcement of investment in marine infrastructure in the Eurobodalla. The $1.1 million is an added bonus to all the community especially as the major components are tourist based facilities such as a new tap, signage, curbing and more street lights at the boat ramp areas.