Lost Opportunities of the BB Bridge
First Opportunity presented is to reconfigure the northern foreshore road network to make it more free flowing, simple and more accessible to cars and people. It addressed the major concerns regarding the old punt road boat ramp and accessibility.
In summary the slip road going south would be moved westwards away from the residential area, terminate in a T junction or roundabout but the main feature is that coming down the road one would be able to see the Bay before you and the new viewing platform on the north shore. The car parks would be on your left – an easy decision to park and walk through Korners Park to the viewing platform. The car parks are moved to park side of the road (safer for kids) not the confusing layout proposed by RMS.
If you wish to launch your trailer boat, again an easy decision move forward to enter the preparation area. After getting your boat ready you swing right and reverse down the proposed two lane boat ramp and into the water. Launch your vessel and secure it to the floating pontoon just down stream. Return to the vehicle and park it in the appropriate spots. Now that is an improvement. No confusing route decisions and no confrontation with other cars or boaters.
Now the water settling pond used to collect the water and oil run off from this side of the bridge. This pond would be relocated from the proposed position to the east of the slip road and towards the residential area at an elevation that would require a earth bank rising up to the trees and the apartments. This would significantly reduce the noise to these residents, improve the visual impact and in fact increase the water area to turn it into a feature rather than an imposition.
Those walking from the south would cross the bridge on the eastern side of the four lanes, descend a flight of steps (reduced number) or a zig zag path, and walk towards the river only requiring one crossing of a minor road not as RMS proposes a pedestrian crossing at the slip road where cars will be approaching at 60 or 80 Km/h and then two further road crossings if you can not use their steps. Now this opportunity is innovative, logical, practical and safe. So why was it swept under the carpet and not even get a mention in the “Summary of feedback from FAC”….. well you tell me.
Second Opportunity not discussed for other reasons. Again not new but embraced by the Minister for Transport for NSW at a very early stage but dropped like a hot potato when the bureaucrats got into his ear.
Observation Deck or viewing platform at the middle of the bridge.
This will enhance the tourist potential of the new bridge by locating a cantilevered semi-circular observation deck at the highest point of the new bridge. It would add 1.5 m to the already wide cycle and pedestrian path at the highest point - middle. (Will you be able to see the Bay from the outside lane of the south going lanes? – not unless you drive a semi-trailer)
One could stand on this observation deck and view the wide expanse of the bay with an information panel pointing out the current and historic features of the town and bay. It could also be the joining place between the aboriginal heritage aspects of the northern shore with the more modern town center of the southern shore with its water based history. Now why was this alternative not mentioned in the above document and also swept under the carpet?…… well you tell me.
One could stand on this observation deck and view the wide expanse of the bay with an information panel pointing out the current and historic features of the town and bay. It could also be the joining place between the aboriginal heritage aspects of the northern shore with the more modern town center of the southern shore with its water based history. Now why was this alternative not mentioned in the above document and also swept under the carpet?…… well you tell me.
The presentation of the “Game Changer for the Bay CBD” – the community proposal for more floating pontoons was well received with a flurry of communication after its release.
The audience attending at the Open Forum was disappointing but as the organisers were told by many, the civil engineering aspects of the bridge have been signed off and the steamroller moves forward so we can do nothing to change those aspects.
Well, what of the other factors which can be changed because they are years away from construction, such as northern road layout, T-wharf, boat ramps and cycle paths - well who cares, it is not in my back yard and anyway it is all done and dusted and I’m just too busy to attend a Saturday evening meeting. Just fill by beer and pass we another snag.
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