Tuesday, 23 November 2021

 Council Candidates Marine Infrastructure Questionnaire Score Card

The Batemans Bay Boaters Association Inc has received all of the Council Candidate group's answers to the infrastructure questionnaire sent to them two weeks ago.

The top score of 82% went to the Mayne Team with Mat Hatcher a close second on 80%. Labor was not far behind on 73%.

Pollack, Harrison and Thomson teams scored low because they did not adequately answer the questions with a simple yes for many responses. The Greens team scored poorly for supporting the closure of the Clyde Street boat ramp in Batemans Bay.

It is evident from the answers that those on the podium understood the role and responsibilities of Council in implementing and funding marine infrastructure projects. The others showed a clear misunderstanding. Not only of the importance in terms of people and money that boating and fishing brings to the Shire but who pays for the facilities.  

While the ranking is important, what is more important is the consensus and commitments made in the responses.

What comes out of the answers is the following:

    *  Universal support for the establishment of a Council Marine Infrastructure Advisory Committee.

    *  Keeping the Clyde Street Boat ramp in Batemans Bay open indefinitely – Greens opposed this.

    *  Support for cleaner storm-water run off into the waterways.

    *  Immediate removal of water restrictions for boat wash-down at boatramps. Greens opposed this.

    *  The importance of the Batemans Bay foreshore with more focus on the water and the facilities such as floating pontoons to make water access easier for all.

    *  Acknowledgement that the allocation of Council funds to all outdoor activities should be improved and boatramps have lagged behind.

    *  There is a lack of understanding of who pays for what at the boatramps.

    *  Community run vessel storage, on and off the water, is now on the table for discussion.

    *  Community consultation is imperative to change the current culture of Eurobodalla Council.

The Association would like to thank each team for taking the time to complete the questionnaire. We hope that this will be the start of a fruitful discussion and we can support each new Councillor in their endeavours to improve the current situation regarding marine infrastructure facilities and to give greater focus on promoting events, and activities on our sea, rivers and estuaries.

Any person who may wish to see the detail may contact the Association.

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

 Since the last post regarding the Batemans Bay Boaters Association Questionnaire we have been contacted by Candidates to ask how we are going to use the answers to the Questions posed and how the scorecard will be scored.

On the former we will be publishing the scorecard as widely as we are able prior to the elections as we did last Council election.  More importantly when an issue comes up during their term and they have addressed it in their answers we will remind them of what they said prior to the election and expect them to act accordingly.  Politicians are not allowed to change their minds and what they said maybe 15 years ago will return to haunt them!

During the current Council many ignored what they said at the previous election but that is what we came to expect from this current bunch.

The score card and scoring see below.

The Association is looking for specific answers to the questions posed and will create a score card of answers received. To assist them and their team here is the method we will use to score the responses:

Each answer will be rated out of 10 . A score of 10 is the best answer. In the first group A. a clear concise and unequivocal answer like Yes or No without quantification get top score.

The second group B. to get a top score an explanation on how it will be achieved and a timeline on achievement because this is more difficult and needs support from other Councillors and the Council staff.

The final group C. Requires a strategy to influence other entities. Here we will be looking at your “policies” and statements to see if the rhetoric is backed up by commitment.


A. When it comes time to deal with matters in Council will you:

* vote to keep the Clyde Street boat ramp open indefinitely?

* support increasing the number of floating pontoons along the foreshore of the CBD? 

* support allocation of Council funds to improve tourist and boating facilities at the local boat ramps such as seats, tables, and safety lights?

* ensure due process such as consultation with community user groups is followed by Council staff during grant application, submission, planning and implementation phases?

* support the immediate removal of water restrictions at boat ramps for the cleaning of vessels such as at Bermagui.

B. In considering future developments in Council will you support

* the establishment of a Council Marine Infrastructure Advisory Committee?

* a commensurate allocation of funds to marine infrastructure as to playgrounds, bike tracks and coastal walks? 

* increased water based promotions, events and activities?

C. As a council candidate therefore, would you support action on the following issues across the Shire:

* upgrading boat launch ramps and other boat docking facilities?

* the upgrade of rundown amenity blocks at boat ramps and installing black water pump-out facilities at the major river locations?

* establishing publicly owned and run, safe and secure vessel storage facilities, on and off the water?

* better management of storm water run-off to keep our waterways cleaner?

Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Questions to each Council Candidate Group or individual Candidate


The BBBA believes support at a local Council level is vital to achieving great outcomes into the future.  Council is the sole manager and fund receiver of these infrastructures grants such as Boating Now.

Council elections are soon to be held and our Association is taking this opportunity to seek support for "our time on the water".  We have asked each candidate to answer the questions.


When it comes time to deal with matters in Council will you:

  • vote to keep the Clyde Street boat ramp open indefinitely

  • support increasing the number of floating pontoons along the foreshore of the CBD

  • support allocation of Council funds to improve tourist and boating facilities at the local boat ramps such as seats, tables, and safety lights

  • ensure due process such as consultation with community user groups is followed by Council staff during grant application, submission, planning and implementation phases

  • support the immediate removal of water restrictions at boat ramps for the cleaning of vessels such as at Bermagui.

In considering future developments in Council will you support

  • the establishment of a Council Marine Infrastructure Advisory Committee

  • a commensurate allocation of funds to marine infrastructure as to playgrounds, bike tracks and coastal walks so more people can enjoy our great waterways, lakes and sea on the South Coast.

  • increased water based promotions, events and activities to attract more people to the South Coast waterways.

As a council candidate therefore, would you support action on the following issues across the Shire

  • upgrading boat launch ramps and other boat docking facilities such as public wharfs, floating pontoons and fish cleaning tables

  • the upgrade of rundown amenity blocks at boat ramps and installing black water pump-out facilities at the major river locations

  • establishing publicly owned and run, safe and secure vessel storage facilities, on and off the water

  • better management of storm water run-off to keep our waterways cleaner.

We will share the candidates comments with our members and your potential supporters.