Here is an urgent Update to the Dredging of the Clyde River Bar.
The question to be asked:
- What will happen to the sand spoils just being dumped randomly in the Bay?
- What damage will it do the underwater environment?
- Where will the sand eventually end up?
- Will the sand join the Cullendulla Creek sand bank and close the creek?
- How will the taxpayers know that the approved and paid for contract has been completed and the required sand dredged?
- How can this company destroy the piles on the T-wharf and have its barge float under the bridge to tangle with mooring lines with no consequence?
- Who authorised the Bar Maid to be attached to an inappropriate commercial mooring and break loose to damage two moored vessels and still operate in the Bay?
- Did they complete the AMSA Incident Report when these two events happened?