Construction on the new bridge has been suspended so the need to move large vessels through the bridge is not required but the bridge team has been scrambled to get the bridge operational immediately.
Is it a legislative requirement? or is it just to get the "local" economy going again with the two lift per day.
Maybe it is a safety move to use the ferry as an evacuation platform for the people at Nelligan and those who live along the river.
It may even be the first step to construct a set of floating pontoons west of the bridge so the ferry and other expedition vessels can start and stop without the required bridge lift.
But anyway you look at it with $2 billion from the bushfire recovery fund there will be a flood of money for these types of projects. We may even get floating pontoons along the waterfront of the CBD if the Shire is not the allocator of the funds.
A community based Committee should be set up with real decision making powers as to how these funds will be distributed because if it is left to the current local government alone they will just continue with the past mistakes highlighted so evidently over the past month. A clear, independent analysis with wide contributions will have to be undertaken when the smoke clears. If not we will again see the school halls and pink batts fiasco repeated.